Man in the Anthropocene Age. The Anthropocene age is the  scientific term of our current geological period, described as the epoch  in which man’s activities started having significant global impact on  the earth’s ecosystems. Man-made disasters triggered by cataclysmic  events are themes found in my sculpture. The techniques used to create  these works represent man’s ability to push the limits of balance and  control. The colors represent elements of nature under extreme duress  which are punctuated by the blackness that represents uncertainty and  ambiguity. My hope is that mankind will have the wisdom to see that  natural order exists, one that is greater than man, and one that demands  a harmonious relationship with man in order for him to realize the  fullness of creativity now found only in the dreams of the visionary. 


Jeff Overlie | Sculptures & Paintings


Julie Maren | Biophilic Wall Installations